Monday, February 4, 2008

What makes an Independent Blog?

There are a few factors that go into these Blogs being categorized as Independent. One of the main ones is their ownership. For a truly Independent Blog, it is not owned or sponsored by anyone. However, the bulk of these blogs do not get viewed regularly, and so we are discounting these from our research. The kind of Independent Blog we are focusing on is not always related to their cause or opinions, but rather to who owns and operates them.
For example, let's look at a Blog that supports electing Mitt Romney in the 08 Elections. The Blog, titled CoMITTed to Romney, is owned by a 33 year old self described "wife, mother, and business owner of the technology solutions company BlodgetTech" (Source). This Blog is privately owned and operated by Ann Marie Curling, and is posted on by a small group of bloggers. There is no major corporate ownership or sponsorship that is present, and the site is hosted by Blodgetech, a Blog Tech company.
This Blog is the perfect example of an Independent Blog. It's views are controlled by the few Bloggers who post, and by the owner, an average person.

Independent Blogs are not defined by the views, but by the ownership. However, the viewpoints and opinions of Independent Blogs seem to be different from the Mainstream Blogs.

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